Title: Dressed to Kill
Series: COBRA Securities #22
Release Date: 8/7/2021
Genre: Romantic Suspense
ISBN13: 978-1-7357807-6-4
Also in this series:
Series: COBRA Securities #22
Release Date: 8/7/2021
Genre: Romantic Suspense
ISBN13: 978-1-7357807-6-4
Buy the Book: ,Haute couture to die for...
After a successful career as a supermodel, Brooklyn Fontana is about to launch a designer line of dresses and host a reality competition show. As the launch dates near, disruptions plague her efforts. Soon it becomes obvious that someone wants to make sure she doesn't succeed.
COBRA Securities Agent Gage Monahan has been hired to act as Brooklyn's boyfriend while searching for an unknown threat. When his assignment becomes real and love blossoms, he’ll do anything to protect her.
Attacks ramp up and danger lurks at every turn as Gage races to save Brooklyn before it's too late.
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