Title: Vanished
Series: COBRA Securities #24
Release Date: 6/2022
Genre: Romantic Suspense
ISBN13: 979-8-9862309-0-0
Also in this series:
Series: COBRA Securities #24
Release Date: 6/2022
Genre: Romantic Suspense
ISBN13: 979-8-9862309-0-0
Buy the Book: ,Gone Without a Trace
After an intense—and nearly tragic—introduction, COBRA Securities agent Owen Durant can’t get Melanie Delgado and her son Joshua off his mind. When he learns she may be in danger, he takes measures to protect her.
As Melanie recovers from injuries sustained when shoved into oncoming traffic, she discovers a threat from her past has returned. Her only means of staying safe is to take her son and vanish.
When Owen learns Melanie and Josh are missing, he searches for and finds them but immediately encounters trouble. Love blossoms as Owen and Melanie hunt for the threat, but as incidents begin to pile up, so do bodies. When betrayal hits close to home, no one is safe.
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