About me
Velvet's story
I love books. I love to read them, shop for them, collect them. I owe my obsession to my mother, a life-long reader. She goes through more books in a week than most people do in a year. She even converted my dad, a die-hard sports-on-TV guy, to reading.
I was born and raised in the beautiful rolling hills of Southern Indiana. After graduating from Indiana University with a degree in Kinesiology with a concentration in Sports Marketing and Management, I took a job with an international sports governing body. A few years later I transferred into amateur sports and moved to the gorgeous Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York. I was afforded the opportunity to travel extensively, attend two Olympic Games, numerous national and international events, meet some truly wonderful people and experience things I never dreamed of doing.
I spent fifteen years in communications, public relations, marketing and executive management in amateur sports. Articles and stories I’ve written have been published in several magazines and reprinted in most major newspapers across the country. I served as editor, writer and designer for five sport magazines including one that was distributed to over 140 countries around the world.
I can honestly say that I never imagined myself as an author. But I had several ideas floating around in my head and one day I sat down and started to put the thoughts on paper. Soon a story developed and from then on, I couldn’t stop writing. I’m a sucker for happy endings, nail-biting suspense and a touch of humor thrown in for good measure. I write what I like to read: books where romance and suspense collide.